
06 January 2012


Politicians and corporations should make life meaningful. How can they do that? Buying power. That makes life meaningful.

But we buy too much crap anyway. Why, you may ask, should buying more useless crap make life more meaningful? Answer: It doesn't. Buying power doesn't mean buying more crap, it means buying less crap. When Google introduced Android on the marketplace, cell phones could do ten million and a half functions, many of which costed no more than the phone plan already costed. This means buying less crap, because while before you needed a bunch of crap to do all these functions, now all you need is a cell phone.

Imagine if we made cars so that they didn't break down every ten years. All of a sudden, you wouldn't need a new car every ten years. You'd have more money. Purchasing power. You'd buy less cars. Less crap. Purchasing power = less crap.

We really need a country where anyone can become rich. We need a country where money is more fragrant because it captures the scent of useful things, rather than monthly subscriptions and new razor blades that go dull after a day and can't be resharpened.